Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Rain in Spain

This week we have had rain every day. There is one thing about the "Rain in Spain" that you should know, however. Rain in Spain is more equal to an NC misty rain or light rain; however, Spaniards react to it about the equivalency of how North Carolinians react to snow/flurries. Driving on the autopistas slows down significantly and everyone is very cautious. 

The rain has caused the temperature to be much cooler and families haven't been as out and about this week as they have in the past. I wasn't able to run but once this week and not with my Monday running partner, Sarah D. :) Adam and I are gearing up for a 10k here in Spain that is very famous. The race is the San Sillvestre in Madrid. This race takes place on New Year's Eve in evening and the course takes you by famous spots in Madrid. Approximately 30,000 - 40,000 people run the race (so good thing I've run the Cooper Bridge Run right?) but there are also several thousands that "tag along" and run among the racers. We are excited about being able to do our first race oversees. 

I often overlook with our busy schedule the beauty of Spain. The route Adam and I normally run near our piso is on an old highway and runs toward Camarma, the next town over where the school is. When we run that, I often try to distract myself with the surroundings. In our "backyard", there are plateau mountains (on top of one plateau there is actually a town - Adam really wants to hike up there one day) that make a beautiful backdrop. Now, don't get me wrong - I'm from the country back in NC and the Appalachian Mountains are gorgeous as well as the Smoky Mountains, but there is something beautiful about Spain's plateau mountains where we are. 

So, even though we have had rain most every day this week, we did have a big bright spot in it. A Spanish family in our building invited us over for dinner. This is very big for Spaniards, as they only invite over guests that they are very familiar with. We will be having dinner with them next Saturday evening. Pray for us as we prepare to, even in our choppy Spanish, try to be a face of the Gospel with them. With Spaniards, it usually takes many conversations about the weather, neighborhood, politics, etc. to get to spiritual topics. We just thank the Lord for this opportunity and pray we can use it to his glory. 

Well - off to fold laundry! Happy Saturday! :)

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