Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I was happy to hear that Spaniards celebrate Halloween. Not because I love Halloween but because it was a day that in my childhood I would plan my costume months before. My mom made most of our costumes the years I wasn't going to be a "Autumn fairy" or "Snowflake", using my ballet costume to go trick or treating in. One of my all-time favorite costumes was when I was Beauty. For my birthday that year I had a Beauty and the beast party and mom made me a Beauty dress (the yellow one). I loved it :)

Even this year I was able to "dress up" for Halloween. Every year ECA has a StaffCo hunt where the student council and members of the staff dress up and walk around a mall hoping not to be identified by the groups of students hunting for us. You could walk around the mall, shop (but only 6 ft inside the store) or sit and read.

I felt like I was Jason Bourne trying to act normal but very aware that people were seeking me out. I also went blonde for the event. I've always wondered what I would look like as a blonde and I decided to just go platinum (thanks to my local Asia Store - the equivalent of Dollar Trees in Spain).

There were 13 total "hiders" and one group of students found us all. It was a fun, an interesting night. One that mall security wasn't thrilled about and constantly circled ("inconspicuously" of course) around our group at the end of the hunt.

We had a good time and no one was confiscated by mall cops (there was a close encounter but the individual was spared).

Happy Trick-or-Treating!

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